Exhibition: Tuesday, August 24–Tuesday, August 31 | by appointmentOpening Reception: Friday, August 27 | 6-9pm
Featuring 35 international artists and spanning video, performance, net art, sculpture, artist books, and sensorial installations, Interstice is an evolving and itinerant exhibition exploring the theme of interstices*: ”in-between” spaces, moments, identities, philosophies, and states of being or perceiving.
*Interstice (noun)
1. a space that intervenes between things
a: especially one between closely spaced things, ie. interstices of a wall
b: a gap or break in something generally continuous, ie. the interstices of society
2. a short space of time between events
“Drawn on Marxian language and repurposed by Nicolas Bourriaud in his text, Relational Aesthetics, the term social interstices refers to a space that facilitates human social interaction. Marx refers to the term interstice as a pocket of trading activity that stands outside the capitalist framework. Similarly, social interstice as Bourriaud uses it references a similar defiance of the dominant system. In this case, social interstices are those spaces of free interaction that provide opportunities for social engagement outside of the norm.” –Indrani Saha
Interstice began in May 2021 as a short-run exhibition featuring artist books, small sculptures, and sensorial installations. Since then, this experimental curatorial and catalogue project by Sarah Umles has expanded to include many more artists presenting work in expanded media including video, performance, net art, and social practice. Interstice has previously activated space at Franconia Sculpture Park (Shafer, MN), Focus Arts (Minneapolis, MN), The Residency Project (Pasadena, CA), and now MOTOR (Los Angeles, CA). See participating artists.